St Martin de Porres church is located adjacent to the Aluva – Ernakulam National High way at Palarivattom, Kochi, the metro city in Kerala State. It is a Roman Catholic Church established in 1968 . It is a parish under Angamali-Ernakulam Arch Diocese and a subsidiary of Edappilly Forane church. People from all parts of Kerala who have migrated to the metro city forms the majority of members of the parish.
When the St Martin De Porres Church was first established, there were only 17 families. Tremendous growth was achieved by the Church thereafter. In 1978, when the church celebrated its 10th anniversary, the number of families increased to 123. The family units were started in the church in the year 1984 under the leadership of Rev. Fr Mathew Koyilparampil, the thenVicar. The Family units opened the way for the families which came from various places in Kerala and settled under the parish to mingle each other and share their views and thoughts. Loretto Bhavan Convent and Anjalai Sadan convent also played a very important role in the spiritual growth of the parishioners. In 1991, the number of families increased to 312 and there were six family units at that point of time. In 2007, the number of family units increased to 16 and in 2015, the number of family units increased to 21 with a total number of 675 families.
St Martin De Porres parish was established in 1968 . The property in which the church is now situated was wet land . Immediatelyafter the purchase of that land in 1968, a small shed was constructed and first holy mass was solemnized by Rev. Fr Varghese Kavalakkattu, the then Vicar General of Ernakulam Arch Diocese. The construction of the old church building was started and completed within a short span of time. Later the number of families in the church increased regularly and in 1995 it was found that the old church building was insufficient to accommodate all the parishioners. Hence the idea of constructing a new church was cultivated during the period when Fr Jose Ozhalakkat was the vicar. The idea flowered during the period of Dr Zacharias Paranilam and frutified during the period of Rev Fr Joseph Kuncharath in the year 2007.
The main constraint while designing the church building was the insufficiency of land. This is the main reason for constructing the 7000 sq ft church in the first floor on cantilevers stretching to the sides of the wall of the building. This idea of the building designer has enabled the church to achieve maximum space inside the church. The church building having a total area of 20600 sq ft rests on 104 piles . The doors and windows are made up of superior quality Nilamboor teak wood. 39ft high roof offers free air circulation and reduction of heat inside the church. The total construction cost of the new church building was Rs. 235 lakhs in the year 2007 and majority of that amount was raised through contributions from parishioners. The new church was constructed under the able guidance from the then Vicar Rev Fr. Joseph Kuncharath and a team of professionals who are all members of parish with a team of dedicated committees. There are a number of parish members who have donated their valuable time and energy for the construction of the new church and complete the same in just twenty two months.
The present Vicar of the church is Rev Fr Thomas Valookaran. He is ably assisted by Rev Fr. Ignatious Payyapilly . There are two convents namely Lorreto Bhavan (Adoration) and Anjali Sadan (Carmelite). The church is ably guided by the Parish council containing 34 members. The Central committee is the apex body of the 21 family units representing the parishioners. The Vincent De Paul Society, St Martin Charitable fund, Legion of Mary, Womens welfare Association, Holy Childhood, Kerala Catholic Youth movement, Catechism department, All Kerala Catholic Congress, Charismatic prayer group etc are some of the organizations functioning under the church.
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